Let’s face it. Acronyms are confusing. Take NBN, for example. What is an NBN connection, and do you know how to connect a phone to an NBN box? Business Telecom is in the practice of helping our customers understand not only the internet solutions they need to help their businesses grow but also what all the acronyms and jargon mean that inevitably come along with the technology.
In the spirit of keeping consumers well informed, we will discuss the nuances of how to get NBN, plus everything you need to know to leverage its power for the betterment of your business.
What is the NBN?
NBN, short for National Broadband Network, is an Australia-wide project that was funded by the federal government with the goal of providing fast and reliable internet service to all homes and businesses. Increasing numbers of remote workers and students increased the need to replace outdated infrastructure with supercharged connections to ensure everyone’s service expectations are met. Not sure if NBN is available yet in your neighbourhood? You can use this tool to check.
How to Set Up an NBN Modem

Once you have connectivity to the NBN, the next step is to learn how to set up an NBN modem. Before you do anything, make sure you have a secondary form of communication during the setup process. The reason for this is that plugging in the NBN modem can disconnect the existing landline and internet service.
Here are the basic steps involved with how to set up an NBN modem:
Step 1: Plug the NBN modem into a power source but do not yet turn the power on to the modem using the power switch on the box.
Step 2: Plug the NBN modem into a telephone port.
Step 3: Switch the power button on the modem to the “on” position.
Step 4: Connect the Wi-Fi router (provided by your phone or internet service).
How to Get NBN
Before you need to know how to connect NBN, you must get NBN service from an authorised provider. Australia opted to roll out different connection technologies as part of its mission to get broadband connectivity to every corner of the country. Business Telecom offers NBN connection speeds of up to 400/400 Mbps and 100/100 Mbps.
Available NBN options depend on your service area and include:
- Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) – This is the best type of NBN connection due to its high-speed capabilities. Businesses that use a lot of technology connected to the internet should opt for FTTP if available in their area. There is an inside and outside box. Your inside box connects directly to your phone line.
- Fibre to the Node (FTTN) – FTTN is a line of fibre run to a central location. In neighbourhoods, this can include a connection at the end of the street that runs along several streets to offer connectivity. It uses a traditional copper telephone line, which can affect performance. The copper line runs directly into your premises and is connected to your phone line.
- Fibre to the Curb (FTTC) – Similar to FTTB, the fibre optic cable is run to a street pit as close to the premises as possible. It offers a slightly better connection than FTTB.
- Fibre to the Building (FTTB) – Used in apartment buildings and office complexes, fibre optic lines run from the main communications room to each apartment or office within the building.
When you choose a business NBN plan with Business Telecom, our NBN specialists will ensure you have the right connectivity to power your business. We understand that small businesses, for example, may need different solutions. That’s why we have options to suit any size business. Our team can ensure you know how to get NBN and how to connect NBN so you can start enjoying the benefits of high-speed connectivity. Contact us now to get started with a flexible and affordable NBN solution.