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If a business has a nationwide scope — or at least a scope that extends beyond the confines of the immediate local area — it makes sense to have a phone number that reflects this. This is where 1800 and 1300 numbers come in.

But what is the difference between 1800 and 1300 numbers, and which option is best for your business? 

What is a 1800 number?

A 1800 number is phone number that begins with the digits 1, 8, 0, 0, and it is not attached to any geographical location. Typically, phone numbers in Australia have a prefix that denotes the region the phone number is registered to — 08 in parts of New South Wales and 02 in parts of Victoria, for example. 1800 numbers are different and can be used by commercial entities right across Australia.

These numbers cannot be used for outbound calls. They are for inbound calls only, which is why you are likely to find 1800 numbers deployed by businesses like stores or service providers, but you will never receive a call from one.

You may have heard these numbers referred to as toll-free numbers or free call numbers. This is because there is no cost to call a 1800 number from any location within Australia.

What is a 1300 number?

Just like the 1800 number, a 1300 number is also not attached to any specific geographical location and cannot be used to dial out. It is only used to receive inbound calls, giving customers a consistent and standardised experience wherever they are found in Australia.

So far, it seems that 1800 and 1300 numbers are exactly the same, other than the beginning four digits. But is there any difference?

Yes, the fundamental difference is the pricing for the caller. As we have noted, the 1800 number is free to call, so there is no charge applied to any call provided it comes from within Australia. With a 1300 number, on the other hand, there is a charge — calls to these numbers are charged at local rates. So, even if your business’s head office is located in Perth, and your customer is calling you from Brisbane, they will be charged just the same as they would be if they were calling a geographical-based number just down the road from them.

Choosing a 1800 or a 1300 number for your business

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There are a few things you need to keep in mind when it comes to selecting a 1800 or a 1300 number for your business premises.

  • These numbers are not entirely free. Your business will need to bear the cost of providing this line to your customers.
  • With a 1800 number, the whole cost will be borne by your business. With a 1300 number, a portion of the cost will be borne by the customer — this is one of the key differences between 1300 and 1800 numbers.
  • Of course, the improved customer experience you provide with a 1800 number could lead to an increase in revenue over time, although this is difficult to measure accurately.
  • 1300 numbers are less likely to attract time-wasters or spam calls due to the local rate charge.
  • 1800 numbers are useful as after-sales support numbers as the customer does not feel under pressure to complete the call as quickly as possible.
  • If the caller is using a mobile, there may be additional charges for the caller, even if they are connecting to a 1800 or 1300 number — these numbers are intended to be free of charge, or charged at a local rate, for landline calls.
  • Some landline plans may include free calls to 1300 numbers.

Get the Right Business Landline Plan for You

Whether you need a 1300 or a 1800 number for your business, you need the right landline plan to support this. Reach out to the experts at Business Telecom and find out more about the landline solutions we provide.