What You Need to Know About Virtual Phone Numbers

As remote working becomes the norm, companies have started to abandon their legacy phone systems for something that can meet their needs. These companies need new phone systems that come with enough flexibility to support remote working and maintain the operational costs at a minimum. In addition, the new system must be able to support the business’s existing phone numbers. A virtual phone number is the only solution that has all these capabilities.

What Is a Virtual Phone Number?

Virtual phone numbers are telephone numbers that are not associated with a single phone line or device. Initially, phone numbers were supposed to work using a single phone line. These were disadvantageous because they could only be used from a physical location, such as an office or home. At the same time, they could only be used if there were enough connecting wires and hardware for voicemail extensions and call routing. Virtual phone numbers ended these limitations by introducing extensive flexibility and modifications.

How a Virtual Phone Number Works

The major difference between a virtual number and a traditional phone system is that virtual phone numbers use the internet to connect calls. If you were to use the traditional phone system, you would need a device that could connect to a cell tower. A virtual phone number allows you to change your operational device at any time. For instance, you can use your office mobile phone during working hours and then shift to your home phone line without changing your phone number.

Acquiring a Virtual Phone Number

The majority of virtual phone numbers can be purchased from the internet. You can either choose a single virtual phone number or go for several phone numbers with other benefits such as extra minutes and data packages.

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Uses of Virtual Phone Numbers

Virtual phone numbers have many applications, such as:

International Sales

Most people will be reluctant to call a foreign number if they want to buy some products or services. Therefore, businesses operating in new countries can attract local clients better by using virtual numbers from that country. This will increase sales and gain local trust.

International Consultants

If you are a consultant working in another country, you can have the local number of that country. Customers will use that number to reach you and ask for further information.

Ad Tracking

Determining the efficiency of each advertisement on your website can be difficult. That is because you don’t know which particular ad prompted a certain call from the customer. A common solution is to put different virtual phone numbers on each advertisement. This means that you will know how each advertisement is performing based on the number of calls received on the corresponding virtual number.

Private Use

Relatives and friends living in different countries can connect easily by using a virtual phone number. They can set this phone number such that calls will first go through a virtual phone number in the home country before being rerouted to their current phone number.

Job Applications

If you are applying for a job in another country, you may become a more viable candidate if you include a virtual phone number in your resume. This will make it easier for the interviewers to contact you and ask for further questions.


When somebody pushes the bell on your door, an automated call may be prompted. A virtual phone number provides the ability to receive or decline such calls.

Getting Started

A virtual phone number has many benefits for businesses and individuals. If you want to get started, you will need to purchase a virtual phone number from a reliable and experienced partner. At Business Telecom, we provide virtual phone number packages for all purposes and businesses. You can call us today to select your preferred package.