Development tools, data storage, service applications, and internet resources can be accessed via the internet. When you have the ability to access these resources on demand via online platforms, then you are using cloud hosting. These resources will be hosted in a remote place, and they will be controlled by a cloud service provider. However, you will need a monthly subscription to access these resources.

Cloud hosting does not just involve the resources located on the online cloud server. It also encompasses the processes and operations that take place on the cloud. Some of these resources will include the networking infrastructure, the operating system software, and the cloud servers. These resources can be joined together to erase physical boundaries. For instance, one server can serve multiple computers in several locations.

The main advantage of cloud hosting is that data storage and access become more efficient, cheaper, and faster. It is why corporations are discarding on-premise data models in favour of cloud models. As a result, 9 in 10 businesses now use some form of cloud hosting. They know that if they can utilise all cloud hosting capabilities, their ability to serve customers will increase.

Cloud hosting is everywhere. If you already use a mobile device for your work, chances are that some of the applications on that mobile device use cloud hosting. For instance, Gmail, Netflix, and Dropbox use cloud hosting to deliver services.

Cloud Hosting Architecture

All cloud hosting resources are categorised into two parts: back-end and front-end computing infrastructure. Both types of infrastructure need an internet connection or any wireless network to function properly.


Interfaces and applications on the side of the client are called front-end applications. These applications consist of website browsers such as Chrome, Mozilla, Firefox, and Safari. The applications are sometimes called cloud infrastructure, and they are what the client will generally interact with. They include virtualisation software service and data storage components. End-users may also have access to the graphical user interface when they want to perform certain tasks on the cloud.

Cloud Hosting


While the front-end is involved with applications for the user, the back-end includes applications that may not be visible to the user. Back-ends typically have a huge number of cloud based servers and data storage systems. They will manage and control the entire cloud hosting infrastructure from behind the scenes.

Cloud Service

Cloud hosting services usually have some utility that manages the applications in the cloud. The service in the cloud, such as the web services and application development environments, usually provides these utilities.

Cloud server hosting services can be divided into three types: software-as-a-service, platform-as-a-service, and infrastructure-as-a-service. Each of these computing services comes with its benefits, terms, and uses. A business can use one of the three computing services, or it can use all of the three, depending on its storage and operational needs.


Infrastructure-as-a-service is the most popular type of cloud hosting. Businesses will use this type of cloud hosting when they need core infrastructure such as data storage, network operating drivers, and servers. You will get scalability, reliability, and flexibility from infrastructure-as-a-service because you won’t need to install any hardware within your business premises. Since infrastructure-as-a-service doesn’t require the installation of computing software on your business premises, it is ideal for medium and small businesses. These businesses can start with a shorter monthly subscription and then upgrade as their computing needs increase.


Software and infrastructure need a platform from where they can be deployed. This platform is typically categorised as the platform-as-a-service. While the cloud hosting provider can provide the platform-as-a-service, businesses have the liberty to develop their own platforms-as-a-service. When you are using platform-as-a-service, you can easily create websites and run computing applications on the cloud. Moreover, if your business’s operating conditions change, you can seamlessly shift to a new cloud hosting environment.



Software is also one of the utilities that you can leverage in the cloud. After you have acquired your preferred subscription model, you will get access to a mobile or web application. Businesses tend to use this tool for their CRM features. Since you can manage software-as-a-service from one location, your business doesn’t have to worry about downturns.

Types of Cloud Hosting

Cloud hosting can be divided into four types: community cloud, hybrid cloud, private cloud, and public cloud. Each of these hosting models has different access, hosting types, and implementation protocols. Although many of the cloud hosting types now use nearly similar infrastructure, they will still have different accessibility, storage, and location systems. This means that your business must go through all the cloud deployment models before it can choose the ideal one.

Public Cloud

The underlying principle of cloud hosting is that the services will be provided over the internet. That is because this is cheaper and more convenient than other types of hosting infrastructure. The public cloud hosting service is one of the most affordable types of cloud hosting because resources will be shared by many users. The sharing reduces the total cost of cloud hosting as users, also called tenants, can decide the amount of cloud hosting services they need.

Private Cloud

Private Cloud

Sharing cloud hosting resources has its benefits, but it comes with many security risks. Some businesses may not be comfortable with these security risks, and that is why they may decide to choose private cloud hosting. When you choose a private cloud system, you will be in control of how applications are created and stored on the cloud hosting platform. At the same time, you can dictate the number of security levels that should be used to protect your assets as well as web applications. Unfortunately, private clouds come at a very high cost, especially if you choose to hire your own cloud security service provider. You may also need to hire somebody to manage your resources in the cloud.

Hybrid Cloud

It is possible to get the affordability of the public cloud while enjoying the safety of the private cloud. In this case, you have to choose the hybrid cloud hosting system. The hybrid cloud system allows for the sharing of online applications and data between the private cloud and the public cloud systems. This usually happens when a business has an on-premise computing infrastructure but it wants to deploy some of its services on the cloud model. As the demands of the business fluctuate, a hybrid hosting system provides enough flexibility for the business to sustain its computing budget. Another benefit is that the business will be making regular system modifications while continuing to keep sensitive applications and data on its secure private cloud.

Community Cloud

People with the same objectives or within the same industry can decide to create their own cloud. When this happens, that cloud infrastructure is called a community cloud. Since this type of cloud serves people with a common motive, it must have specific rules, policies, and security measures. Members can be in different locations, but they will have the ability to interact with the community cloud infrastructure as long as they don’t use it for unspecified hosting operations.

Uses of Cloud Hosting

There’s a lot that you can do with the right cloud hosting service.

Come Up with Cloud-native Applications

Businesses with the ideal cloud hosting services can quickly build and deploy mobile and website-based applications. Existing infrastructure, such as microservices architecture, Kubernetes, and containers, can be powerful tools for businesses interested in creating customised API platforms.

Test New Applications

Building applications using on-premise infrastructure can be difficult. This process can be more complex when you are trying to test new applications. Cloud hosting platforms are ideal because they offer a cheap and efficient way to build and test new applications. Moreover, you can easily modify the size and speed of application testing.

Recovery Data

Recover Backup and Store Data

As new data protection laws become more stringent, it is more important to protect your business better. When you move your mobile and web applications to the cloud, you can take advantage of new data protection services at a very low cost. Moreover, you don’t have to worry about the security of the device where the data is accessed from.

Analyse Data

You would be able to improve the customer experience, reduce your marketing costs, and increase your sales if you are able to understand customer behaviour. One of the ways that this can happen is if you have the capacity to analyse data across multiple locations and devices. By putting this data in the cloud, various members of your team will be able to access and analyse the data with ease.

Stream Content

Cloud hosting services are also ideal for content creators. Typically, you need strong on-site streaming servers. However, with the right cloud hosting service, you can provide high-quality audio and video services to your followers without spending too much money.

Final Take

Cloud hosting is here to stay, and your business needs to start reaping its benefits. If you want to get started, Business Telecom has the expertise and equipment to guide you on your journey. We provide a wide range of cloud hosting packages for various needs. You can contact us for more information.