Whether you’re a small business, retailer or large corporate body, all businesses have valuable assets such as inventory, computer systems and data that need to be protected. Having the right business security system, will ensure your business is always monitored, provide protection for everyone, minimise the risk of criminal activity and safeguard your business against other damage.

What is a business security system?

Business security systems can be tailored for small to large scale operations and vary from something as simple as an individual security camera, to a fully integrated electronic system that includes security alarms, access control, CCTV surveillance and remote access.

Why do you need a small business security system?

Before purchasing a security system for your business, it’s important to consider why you need one in the first place.

A small business security system will provide added security and peace of mind to your business, but that’s not all. Here are 7 reasons why you should install an electronic security system on your premises.

1. Protect your assets from crime

Electronic security is one of the most cost effective preventative measures to protect your business and assets from theft. The more complex your security system, the more likely a criminal will avoid your premises and move onto their next target.

Having a reliable security system not only reduces the likelihood a theft will occur, but having security cameras in place will offer proof of theft, which can aid in catching criminals.

2. Ensure a safe workplace

Having a security alarm system will reassure your employees they’re safe while at work, whether that’s during the day or if you have night shift operations. Security cameras enable you to document the activities and actual events happening on your premises. So, if theft occurs or any internal disputes arise, the footage captured can serve as evidence.

3. Control unauthorised entry

Do you have areas of the business where you don’t want the public to access or require different security levels for employees? By installing security cameras and access control systems, you can deter personnel from entering restricted areas, limit employee access, and even prevent access for terminated employees without having to go through the expense of changing locks.

4. After hours protection

Stay in the loop of what’s going on at your premises when you’re not there, with remote monitoring. Today’s electronic security systems can be accessed through different electronic devices such as your mobile phone or tablet, no matter where you are. By having instant access to security alerts, you’ll find out about any security breaches within seconds of it happening.

5. Internal theft control

You’d like to trust that your employees will do the right thing, but unfortunately, it’s not always the case. If your employees are unproductive, or worse, attempting to steal physical or intellectual property from within the business, then having security surveillance cameras will catch them in the act. If employees know they’re being ‘watched’ they’ll also be less inclined to benefit for themselves.

6. Minimise vandalism

It’s important to keep your business safe as well as your property (and your employees’ property). Security cameras can act as a deterrent for would-be vandals looking to damage the appearance of your business exterior or property, such as vehicles.

7. Reduce your property insurance costs

In most instances, insurance companies will reduce your insurance premium if you have a commercial security system, because it lowers the risk and likelihood of any insurance claims.

The different types of small business security systems

There’s many ways you can secure and safeguard your premises. Here are the most common measures you can put in place, depending on your company security needs.

Security alarm systems

These deter and protect your business against theft and intruders. With motion sensors, door and window sensors, you’ll immediately become aware of any potential break-ins.

Externally monitored alarms systems also carry the added benefit of 24/7 coverage. This will send a signal to your telephone or a control centre as soon as the alarm has been triggered.

Video surveillance systems

With CCTV capabilities, you can monitor your premises and keep track of customers and staff anywhere, anytime. Professionally installed video surveillance cameras act as a deterrent for would-be criminals and provide evidence to prosecute criminals. In addition, by recording all of your business activities, you can protect yourself from any liabilities.

Access control systems

An access control system enables your business to restrict and permit access to certain personnel, within different areas of your building. Individuals can gain access by providing credentials and authentication to prove their identity, generally via  keypad or a key card.

Access control can be used for staff entry and exit points, to meet OHS requirements and other facility management needs for offices, warehouses, manufacturing and commercial buildings. Not only does a system like this help prevent theft, but it can also provide peace of mind for staff knowing they’re in a safe working environment.

If you’re looking for a small business security system, Business Telecom can help. We’ll work closely with you to determine your physical and digital security needs to create a customised security solution for your business that won’t break the bank. Contact us today to get started.