Business Telecom For Accountants

Collaboration Solutions With An Eye On The Bottom Line

Enable your team with the tools to unlock operational efficiencies and provide optimal client outcomes. AI enabled platform that supercharges finance teams.

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Where efficiency meets accuracy

Reduce Risk, Optimise Efficiency And Maximise Customer Satisfaction

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Collaboration And Tools To Connect Team Members

Share relevant information to all stakeholders whenever and wherever on one easy to use app. Whether calls, messages or meetings, interact effectively and conveniently.

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Operational Efficiency Insights Delivered In Real Time

Comprehensive, AI assisted tracking across all interactions and workflows enable key insights into the operational efficiency. This helps to identify issues to avoid errors and eradicate repeat issues in the future

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Elevate Client Experiences And Outcomes

Improve client satisfaction with powerful automated workflows. Easily share summaries and action points from interactions. Automate next steps with interactive schedules, reminders and requests for information.

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Automations and workflows boosted by AI

Full Collation Of All Interactions Enables Easy Collation Of Time Spent On Tasks And Projects

No matter where you are, each interaction is logged and tracked.  This enables instant access for recovery and reporting of all project hours.

Automated, Real-time Assistant

Your own AI assistant on tap.  Each call or meeting is automatically transcribed and time-stamped to generate accessible records to avoid missing important information.  This includes summaries and action items – delivered to the inbox of all designated stakeholders.

Work-Anywhere-Anyhow Enabled

Make working from anywhere a seamless experience.  Collaborate with team members in any format from a single easy to use app.  Integrated progress detection can keep the whole team informed and trigger appropriate automations when the conditions are met.

Modern & Effective Virtual Meetings

Conduct reliable HD video sessions with customers from and to any location. Clear and uninterrupted sessions that improve on customer engagement.  All with added meeting recording, transcribing and collation of action points.  All automatically delivered to stakeholders inboxes and injected into relevant workflow paths.

Powerful workflows with AI assistance

Streamline Your Team With Custom Automated Workflows

Single Workspace For All Your Collaboration Needs

Execute all your interactions from a single app with full automated logging.  Enable custom workflows to streamline efficiency.  Enhance task and project efficiency with insight-driven automations that can connect to your financial and other systems.

Discover Valuable Analytical Insights

Comprehensive and configurable reports and dashboards provide clear views on operational efficiency and outstanding client actions / interactions.  This enables pro-active action to resolve issues before they take place or to streamline future operations and improve customer satisfaction.

AI Safety Net

AI meeting recaps that include synopsis and action items ensure that the important client care details are never missed. Follow up action items are processed in reliable automated workflows.

Seamless Integrations

Enable productivity improvements and workflows across your CRM or other systems with plug and play integration APIs.

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See Why Finance Teams love Business Telecom


Keep Your Confidential Information Secure By Securing ALL Communication

End-to-end Encryption With No Exceptions Ensures Your Data Remains Confidential

All forms of communication from Fax to virtual meetings are fully encrypted in transit and at any point of storage.

Easy To Manage Role-based Access

Configure hybrid groups with shared functions to easily manage security access.  Supports single sign-on, directory syncing and secure filesharing.

Scalable From Small Team To Global Enterprise

Enterprise -grade security is built in. Take advantage of all the benefits without the need for extra infrastructure, staff or specialist skills.

Configurable Data Retention To Suit Your Needs

You get to decide the respective lifespan of different sets of data.  Manage custom profiles for removal, archiving and/or anonymising data.

Don't Just Take Our Word For It


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Pioneer The New Benchmark Of Finance Team Efficiency With Business Telecom

Enable your finance team to maximise their efficiency and boost accuracy and profitability.  With access to secure, AI powered tools, they are empowered to complete tasks in less time and with improved customer satisfaction.
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